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Spring Boot API with Spring Security and Docker
First Lecture (2:22)
Creating Spring Boot App (1:40)
Architecture (9:56)
Domain Model and Service
Defining Domain Model (3:50)
Service Interface (3:11)
In Memory Repository
In Memory Repository (8:24)
Repository Implementation (4:16)
Resource and Smoke Test
Employee Resource (12:11)
Smoke Test (5:11)
JPA Repository
JPA Repository (4:38)
JPA Repository Implementation (3:18)
Database and Testing
Database Configuration and Test (9:59)
Introduction (4:14)
Web Security Configuration (7:16)
Account and Role Domains (8:11)
Account and Role Repositories (3:13)
Account Service Implementation (5:33)
Security Configuration (1:48)
User Details Implementation (6:06)
Authentication Provider (5:21)
Account Resource (4:02)
Application Runner (5:23)
Smoke Test and Refactoring
Testing API with Account (5:39)
Refactoring (14:30)
Role-based Access Control (6:34)
Docker File (10:15)
Docker Compose - Part 1 (6:54)
Docker Compose - Part 2 (6:08)
Deployment (11:18)
Role-based Access Control
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